Co-Working Collective

Our co-working collective is back.

Well done on making it this far. By now you’re no doubt up to your neck in work: all those pesky assignments, all that reading and note-taking, the class discussions, the late-nighters. It can be hard to stay organised and keep on top of it all. The Library is here to help you with all that.

We’re excited to bring back our Co-Working Collective, following on from our successful introduction last semester.

Working together has been shown to beat procrastination, help you stay motivated, work on individual goals, increase time efficiency and become more productive. “To summarise, this is a supportive space where people come together to get some work done”

We’ll be meeting every Wednesday, starting today between 2pm and 4pm in Study Room 7, Merchiston Library, and we’d love you to join us. You can also join on teams.

There is no need to book, just come along. All we ask you to do is bring some work materials and a commitment to spend the two hours with like-minded people who want to work quietly in a supported environment.

The sessions are open to all, regardless of which campus you’re based in or what level of study you’re at. If you’ve any questions, email us or, and let the library be your study buddy.

More information on the library calendar. 

By Lesley McRobb

Read our previous posts on study skills.