Mental Health Awareness Week

When was the last time you went for a walk, run or swim? Danced to your favourite song? Flew a kite? Strolled through the park and stopped to smell the flowers? We suggest that now is a good time: the sun is shining*, the city’s gardens are in full bloom, and you’d be amazed at how much of a tonic even a tiny bit of physical activity can be.

It’s with this fact in mind that the Mental Health Foundation has chosen “movement” as their theme for this year’s mental health awareness week, 13-19 May.

You don’t have to run a marathon or bag a Munro. We’re not even suggesting a couch-to-5K.  A gentle walk around the block, a spot of gardening or even a few stretching exercises can be enough to make you feel better. It releases those “feel good” hormones, gets your circulation going, stretches the muscles, aids your digestion and improves your sleep. All these factors play into mental well-being.

Mental Health Foundation | Everyone deserves good mental health

And if today you find that you’re not feeling so great, and even the idea of getting out of the house is too much, know that you’re not alone. Health in Mind is a local organisation that is there for you. Give them a call:

Health in Mind | Homepage (

And remember that we are here for you too!

Wellbeing Support and Inclusion (

We’d love to see you in our libraries. Drop into our relaxation zones and check out our well-being resources.

Relaxation Spaces (

Online Relaxation Space

Home – Wellbeing Collection – LibGuides at Edinburgh Napier University

*true at the time of writing, but this is Scotland so we can’t guarantee it’s true today.

By Lesley McRobb