World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day was founded in 1998 and is an international holiday to spread kindness and compassion across the world. It is recognised by the United Nations and activities to celebrate World Kindness Day involve concerts, dances, and kindness cards.
The movement highlights good deeds, focuses on communities and small acts of kindness. An example could be an act of service, checking in on someone, complimenting or providing a creative gesture. Here are some examples of how you can spread and share kindness every day:
· Praise someone for their achievement
· Speak to someone you haven’t spoken to for a while
· Smile at someone to brighten up their day
· Express gratitude to inspire others
· Volunteer some time to help others, you can find opportunities under Get Involved at Edinburgh Napier
How can we celebrate World Kindness Day?
· Listen to a podcast https://www.goodgoodgood.co/podcast/orly-wahba-kindness-boomerang-empowerment-interview
· Promote kindness with t-shirt slogans
· Read resources! We have many books on Kindness and how it can help to build trust and strengthen relationships.
· Also be a little kinder to yourself, by investing in your own self-care. Through self-care, you can be there for people around you.
Remember that kindness is a ripple and improves physical and mental health.
Let’s make kindness contagious!
You can find out more about kindness in our LibrarySearch shown through the perspective of a nurse and understand the compassionate nature of nurses.
Other resources:
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