David created characters and landscape art for “Moonbear Typing”
David created characters and landscape art for “Moonbear Typing”

Several of our Digital Media and Interaction Design and Sound Design students took part in the Global Game Jam at Edinburgh Napier University in January 24.  David Richards (Year 4 Digital Media and Interaction Design ) used his  illustration skills to help bring two of the games created to life.   

He says “It was a brilliant experience! It was so refreshing being able to collaborate with other people with the same passion for video games.”  David collaborated on the two games seen here- creating characters and landscape art for “Moonbear Typing” and creating the title screen for “Ye Olde Funnybone”.

The title screen David made for the game “Ye Olde Funnybone”

You can see more of David’s work here –https://www.artstation.com/deerich98

The Game Jam games for Edinburgh are available here – https://itch.io/jam/edinburgh-ggj24-say-no-to-gai