Here’s something useful. Something practical that will help you quickly and easily find an essential piece of information when you’re trying to decide which journal…

Information Services and RIO have organised a number of events on all campuses to participate in Open Access Week. This annual international celebration of ‘all…

Elsevier publishers have won their US court case against SciHub, the Library of Genesis (LibGen) and other similar sites for copyright infringement. The fine is a hefty $15…

You might not have noticed the act on acceptance page on this blog but it’s an important message to get across. From 1st April next year the rules about…

So…we’re now into May and Beall’s Lists don’t seem to be making a come-back anytime soon. Are there any other websites that can help when trying to identify…

A number of things have been happening over the last few months as we move towards the next Research Excellence Framework (REF) exercise. The results of which are expected to…

It’s taken a while to go through various publisher contracts but we’ve finally managed to extract information about an increased number of APCs available to researchers…

So, January 2017 has arrived and with it access to Elsevier journals has disappeared for over 60 institutions in Germany’s Deal Project group. The standoff between Elsevier and Project Deal…

On 3rd January Jeffrey Beall announced another regular update of his list of potential, possible or probable predatory publishers. Because the list of publishers is now…

Recently it’s been announced that all members of Project DEAL in Germany are expecting they will have no full text access to all Elsevier academic and scientific journals from 1st…