
Hardwoods with potential: A little bit about our “target species”
The timber industry in the UK (and this blog) has been focusing mainly on softwoods. Slowly, foresters, wood processors and researchers (including us!) are becoming […]

Guess the strength of timber ICF CPD scores
Yesterday, a group of visitors from the Institute of Chartered Foresters toured our lab, learned a lot about wood science and how wood properties are […]

New Project – Building from England’s Woodlands
Did you know that in 2021/22 we have been planting more broadleaf trees than conifers in the UK (mainly in England)? Yet the timber that […]

More on timber quality
Recently we made a game for people to guess the relative strengths of some timber beams – by inspecting the beams up close and hands […]

New report online
The InFutUReWood project has officially come to an end, but we still have some exciting result up our sleeves! Today, WP2 leader Ylva Sandin published […]

ForestValue online conference
The InFutUReWood project has officially come to an end, but we still have some exciting results up our sleeves! Watch this space for more reports […]

Strength grading of UK and Irish grown timber (big info drop)
Machine strength grading of structural timber in Europe is done mostly under a system called “machine control”. The machine settings are fixed based on large […]

David Gil-Moreno wins prize
Congratulations to David Gil-Moreno, who has won a Special Award from The Scottish Forestry Trust for his PhD work here at Edinburgh Napier University, in […]

Pallet it go
As I write this, the first Covid vaccines are being delivered in the UK. Somewhere along the line you can be sure that this achievement […]