SEMINAR: School street closures – magic bullet or placebo in the quest for reversing the decline of active travel to school? Wednesday 3rd March 2pm.

Prof Adrian Davis will be presenting a seminar on the findings of a review of the existing literature on the impact of school street closures designed to create safer spaces for walking, cycling or street play.

The objective of this research project, commissioned by the Road Safety Trust, was to assess the literature on school street closures (SSCs) and understand:

  • To what extent vehicular traffic is displaced to adjacent streets.
  • What impact this has on the overall outcome of the intervention in terms of road safety.

The online seminar is taking place on Wednesday 3rd March 2pm and is free to attend.  Please register your attendance here.  A joining link will be sent to you prior to the event.

The evidence from the literature of 16 studies, all but one from the UK, was supplemented by a number of semi-structured telephone interviews with relevant officers responsible for local authority school street closure schemes. The review focused in particular on whether any traffic displacement brought about by schemes was associated with negative safety issues in surrounding streets.

This research was the first research study attempting to address the effects of school street closures across the UK. The findings and conclusions are likely to highly attractive to those seeking to increase active travel from early in the life-course to help establish healthy travel behaviour. The work was conducted by Adrian Davis, at the Transport Research Institute, at Edinburgh Napier University as a sub-contractor to Sustrans.

Davis. A. 2020. School Street Closures and Traffic Displacement: A Literature Review and semi-structured interviews. Transport Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University.

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