Congratulations to Social Informatics Research Group member Drew Feeney, who is now the Public Libraries representative on CILIP’s Information Literacy Group (ILG). He will represent the UK’s national Public Library sector on this key professional body, which aims to engage with and promote the exchange of knowledge in all aspects of information literacy in both the academic and wider civic environments. Drew is delighted to undertake this role as it fits very well with both his ongoing research interests and with his professional background as a Librarian in the public sector.
Meanwhile, Bruce Ryan has become secretary of the Scottish Media and Information Literacy Community of Practice (MIL CoP). His main duties will be arranging MIL COP meetings, then taking minutes. Outside of academia, Bruce is minutes secretary for three Edinburgh community councils (Leith Central, Leith Harbour & Newhaven, New Town & Broughton), so he looks forward to undertaking similar work in his academic life. Bruce also aims to revamp MIL CoP’s website in the new year.
Both Drew and Bruce are looking forward to their new roles and to developing closer ties between these two important professional networks.
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