With colleagues Dr Paul Gooding (University of Glasgow) and Amina Shah (National Library of Scotland), Dr David Brazier of the Centre for Social Informatics has been awarded an Applied Research Collaborative PhD Studentship by the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities (SGSAH).
This award will provide 3.5 years of funding (7 years part-time) for a doctoral student to undertake a study entitled Not participating, not Included: towards inclusive assessment practices in the Scottish library sector.
The main research question to be addressed in the study is ‘How might we transform assessment practices to include previously under-represented communities in the evaluation and assessment of library services?’ The work to be undertaken for the study will include the development of a critical framework for library services in Scotland to engage with non-users for the purpose of developing and assessing their services and collections.
Applications are invited from candidates keen to work with the University of Glasgow, Edinburgh Napier University, and the National Library of Scotland on this exciting project from October 2022; deadline midday Friday 27th May.
For further details of the project and information on how to apply, please see the advertisement for the studentship on the University of Glasgow web site.
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