The Centre for Social Informatics is currently home to five PhD students who are funded by Skills Development Scotland’s partnership with the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science and the ESRC. Their work spans a range of topics, including machine learning, work-based learning and metaskills. We are excited to share details of two recent publications from students in this group.
Marianne Wilson‘s article on the “Opportunities and risks in the use of AI in career development practice” was published in the most recent issue of the NICEC journal. The article highlights ways in which career services and their users could benefit from the inclusion of AI, while also making recommendations for policy and practice approaches that address the associated practical and ethical challenges of this kind of technology.
Marina Milosheva also published a new commissioned article in The Conversation: “Networking online: how to make professional connections remotely and why it matters”, as part of the “Quarter Life series”, which explores issues most pertinent to young professionals in their twenties and thirties.
In the article, Marina highlights the ways in which networking has changed as a result of remote working, and provides evidence-based tips for networking in the current climate. Drawing on preliminary findings from her doctoral work and on the expertise of the Social Informatics research group, she explains why networking is critical to success and proposes three courses of action for young people looking to network remotely: 1. Do your research; 2. Be strategic; 3. Be proactive.

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