Last year we blogged about the development of a new service that wasn’t quite available yet, called Sherpa REF. The beta version of Sherpa REF is now available…

JISC, RLUK, SCONUL and the Association of Research Managers and Administrators have recently published a thought-provoking discussion paper, Academic journal markets, their limitations, and the…

Have a good read of JISC’s first ever quarterly digest of news about their work in open access. Open Access Update gives plenty of links…

Today JISC contacted UK HEIs to tell them about their participation in the EU funded OpenAIRE2020 project. JISC are also now the National Open Access Desk (NOAD) for…

Well, the answer is that SHERPA/FACT is more than 95% accurate at checking publisher’s policies against funders open access requirements. A recent study by the…

The researcher identifier solution – ORCID will now be offered to UK higher education institutions through a national consortium arrangement operated by JISC. This should…

Are you involved in Humanities research and concerned about publishing your research open access? Then you may be interested in a new collaborative open access…

EPSRC policy comes into effect on 1st May 2015. Unique amongst funders, EPSRC expects institutions and researchers receiving funding from them to fulfil explicit responsibilities…

Jisc’s Research Data Spring initiative develops new solutions to common research problems. Finding it difficult to track down data and therefore re-use that data, poor…

Check out JISC’s updates and outline plans of services which help with meeting Open Access requirements – http://scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2015/03/12/jisc-plans-for-oa-services/