Yesterday two important documents relating to REF2021 were published by the four higher education funding bodies. These were the final Guidance on Submissions and the…

An ORCID number is a unique identifying code that a researcher keeps throughout their professional career. It’s quick and easy to register and receive your ORCID number…

Yesterday, cOAlition S announced guidance on how to implement Plan S and opened a consultation period for discussion and feedback. cOAlition S welcomes feedback until 1st February…

The Wellcome Institute – amended open access policy The Wellcome Institute recently announced that it’s making changes to its Open Access Policy. The new policy…

UKRI and Science Foundation Ireland along with nine other European funding agencies have signed up to “Plan S”. The plan is seen as a transformative…

There are many types of Open Access. Green Open Access for example means depositing or ‘self-archiving’ a copyright-free version of your work in a digital…

Now, this is a question we get asked a lot. So, together with the Repository team, we’ve created a video which we hope will go…

Need help with writing an excellent impact case study for REF2021? Mark Reed, shares his experience as a reviewer of case studies for REF2014 on…

Earlier this week, the REF 2021 Decisions on staff and outputs was published. This document outlines the decisions made by the funding bodies about some key areas for REF 2021, including staff and…

Here’s some good news for a Friday! If you’re a member of the British Psychological Society, you will not be charged an article processing charge…