EPSRC policy comes into effect on 1st May 2015. Unique amongst funders, EPSRC expects institutions and researchers receiving funding from them to fulfil explicit responsibilities…

Sir Bob Burgess, former University of Leicester Vice-Chancellor as chair of the committee which reviewed the RCUK Policy on Open Access commented that the review…

Jisc’s Research Data Spring initiative develops new solutions to common research problems. Finding it difficult to track down data and therefore re-use that data, poor…

Check out JISC’s updates and outline plans of services which help with meeting Open Access requirements – http://scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2015/03/12/jisc-plans-for-oa-services/

Why is it important to make sure your research data is managed and stored carefully? Watch this short video from NYU Health Sciences Library about…

Ever wondered how Twitter could help you and your research? Check out this quick guide by Ned Potter in which he covers setting up lists,…

Have you benefited from FP7 funding? Then this pilot may be of interest. A fund of EUR 4m has been established to help cover the…

If you are unsure as to what is meant by “date of acceptance” the FAQs for the Policy for Open Access in the next REF…

This A pan-European Open Scholarship Initiative involving 50 partners, from all EU countries, and beyond, will collaborate to work on this large-scale initiative that aims…

How do open content licences work? How do I choose the most suitable licence for my individual needs? Where can I find open content online?…