Useful Resources for Law Students

By Taylor Reid

Since I started studying law, I have realised that there are a vast range of resources available. However, most of us are not aware which of these resources we should be utilising and that are beneficial. We can all type ‘law resources’ into google, but I am going to pinpoint some useful resources that I have found throughout my studies thus far!

1. The Notier Club

The Notier Club is a stationary brand with many pieces directly aimed at law students. I have found these to be a great resource as I used to sit for hours creating different case templates, printing them out and losing half of them! So, having all the information organised into one place has been very useful for revision. My favourite pieces are the case notes, the statute note flashcards and the essay plan. Also, 10% of the profits from your purchase are donated to women’s education!

2. Ilona’s Legal Diaries Newsletter

This resource is a newsletter which has been put together by Ilona, a third-year law student at Greenwich University. It contains various opportunities which aspiring lawyers may be interested in to further their interest in law or engage with law firms. Moreover, the newsletter also contains deadlines for opportunities such as vacation schemes and training contracts, although they are more directed towards English students. This is such a useful resource as various opportunities appear straight into your inbox, saving you hours of researching and, they will all be in one place. The newsletter is free and available to all that subscribe to it, which you will receive weekly or fortnightly depending on the number of opportunities available. To subscribe, you simply fill in your name and email in the subscription box on the Ilona’s Legal Diaries Website.

3. Watson’s Daily

This resource is another newsletter. However, it is useful in a completely different way. You can sign up to this newsletter to get either daily, weekly, monthly or yearly reports straight to your inbox containing the most important commercial and economic news. This is a useful resource as it will help you to improve your commercial awareness, which is vital in a law degree. Just like Ilona’s newsletter, you can subscribe to this on the Watson’s daily website and it is completely free! If you are interested in other ways to become more commercially aware, we have a previous blog post all about it.

4. Podcasts

Another useful resource in the palm of your hands (literally) are podcasts. Podcasts are extremely useful as they allow you to increase your awareness of recent news and developments in the law. Also, podcasts are great for individuals who hate to read, which is quite controversial for a law degree, but it allows you to develop your knowledge on areas of law without having to read for hours on end with the possibility of getting a migraine. A few of my favourite podcasts include; Law Pod UK, Lawyer 2 Lawyer and Women in Business. Although, if you just type law into platforms such as Spotify, I am certain that you will be able to find one that you will enjoy!

5. Legable

Legable is an extremely useful resource that aspires to make the legal profession accessible for everyone, regardless of their background. Legable collate and share resources that are available to aspiring and current law students from less advantaged backgrounds in the UK into one online platform. They provide information on funding, work experience programmes and mentoring schemes. Like most of the other resources I have shared, this is extremely useful as all the information is condensed into their website and, thus, saving you hours of research!

Final Points

Finding the most beneficial resources can be overwhelming. I would say that we have a responsibility of making ourselves aware of the opportunities that are out there. I hope that you have all found this useful and are able to check these resources out!

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