
Diversity and inclusion will always be a priority for Edinburgh Napier Student Law Review.

Our Diversity & Inclusion Officer promotes inclusivity within the Edinburgh Napier Student Law Review by providing a welcoming and accessible environment for all our members.

Our team puts on various events and workshops throughout the academic year to provide career support and promote equal opportunities for everyone in the Law Review.

Women in Law 

The Law Review is an avid supporter of Women in Law.

We will be setting up workshops, speaker events, and interviews throughout the year to celebrate and share the stories of successful female lawyers in the legal industry. Our Diversity & Inclusion Officer produces articles every month for our ‘Women in Law’ series to discuss the achievements and journeys of women in the legal profession.

Our aim is to encourage, inspire, and support the next generation of female students to become successful lawyers, businesswomen, and politicians.


The Law Review is an ally of the Black Lives Matter movement.

We support and encourage all black students in their journey to becoming successful lawyers in the legal industry.


Sign Petitions




The Law Review supports the LGBTQIA+ community.