Online University Tips

Hello! Happy new term, 

I hope you have had a safe and relaxing summer. This blog post is aimed at all LLB students to help them feel a little less stressed with the current online teaching. Here are 5 tips to make sure you succeed this year.

1. Take advantage of online lectures- even though there is no face-to-face lectures this trimester, it is a blessing that we have all lectures pre-recorded. This means we will be able to go over the slides as many times to grasp difficult concepts which is a downfall in ‘live’ lectures. You can also take time to structure your notes in the best way possible for learning.

2. Create a study place & embrace home comforts- as most of us will be studying at home it is important you have a desk/area that is dedicated to your law degree. Make it a safe place with pens, highlighters, legal textbooks and lots of sweet treats! Even though it may be hard to find motivation to study all the time you can take time to make yourself a cup of tea and get back to it.

3. Use previous travel time to university to become more commercially aware- the one thing I have heard from employers and lecturers is to be commercially aware. It is the sole factor in being a potential lawyer. Each morning try to read an article relating to the law or affecting society, this will help you in the long run.

4. Be organised! – get a diary or google calendar to keep track of coursework and exams.

5. Create a work life balance-  12 million working days were lost to work related mental health conditions. Workout, read books or just simply relax. Studying law has ups and downs but everyone is here to support each other.

Thank you and good luck!

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