Mentors’ and students’ perspectives on feedback in practice assessment: a literature review
Christine Pollock (School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care), Dr Ann Marie Rice (University of Glasgow) and Ailsa McMillan (Queen Margaret University)
Reflections on a practical training session with Guide Dogs for the Blind
Mary Fraser (School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences)
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Students’ evaluation of intensive academic and reflective writing workshops
Mark Freeman-Ferguson and Catherine Macfarlane (School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care)
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Mobility Computing: internationalising the student experience
Michelle Terrell and Ian Smith (School of Computing)
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Peer assessment in dissertation project
Imed Romdhani (School of Computing)
Sector expectations: assessment and feedback
Katrina Swanton, Gillian Davies, Grant Horsburgh, Petra Klawitter and Elise Russell (Academic Quality)
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Using Adobe Acrobat PDF digital papers to provide inclusive assessment and feedback
Craig Mill (Disability and Inclusion)
Assessment practice in internationalised curriculum: the Student Voice
Monika Foster (The Business School) and Imi Dencer-Brown (ASPEN Academic Strategy and Practice at Edinburgh Napier)
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Developing collegial relationships: students providing feedback on staff member’s teaching and assessment practices
Jennifer Scoles, Mark Huxham and Sarah Murray (ASPEN Academic Strategy and Practice at Edinburgh Napier)
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Law, Resilience and the Environment: social learning and civic volunteering
Richard Whitecross (The Business School)
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Student mentoring: retention & employability
Caroline Moffat (Student Learning)
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Edinburgh Napier University’s Graduate Employability Project Experience
Ana-Maria Zeron-Rodriguez (Market Intelligence and Evaluation), Fiona Wager (Market Intelligence and Evaluation) and Veronique Johnston (Student Development and Wellbeing)
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A rising tide raises all boats: the work of the Graduate Employability Project
Cathy Lambert (Student and Academic Services), Veronique Johnston (Student Development and Wellbeing), Deb Callister (The Business School) and the GEP Steering Group
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The Employer Relations team
Lesley Broadwood, Emily Napier, Jo Haddrick and Pippa Drucquer (Employer Relations)
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Employer mentoring – gaining feedback from industry
Fiona Mackintosh, Rozita Kirilova and Jo Haddrick (Employer Relations)
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The Student Transitions Enhancement Theme: the first year
Amy Bostock, Julia Fotheringham and Imi Dencer-Brown (ASPEN Academic Strategy and Practice at Edinburgh Napier)
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Care leavers: beyond the Label **Winning Poster**
Katrina Castle (Student Learning), John Morrison (School of Computing), George Wilson (Student Learning), Gabriele Kuzabaviciute and Marie Pearson
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TESTA: clear goals and standards
Connie McLuckie (School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care)
Developments in feedback within the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care from TESTA pilot
Fiona MacKinnon (School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care)
How students can give and seek feedback successfully
Stephanie Glube and Trish Igoe (Confident Futures)
Programme approach to assessment and feedback: an exemplar
Laurence Patterson, Anne Tierney, Julia Fotheringham and Fiona Smart (ASPEN Academic Strategy and Practice at Edinburgh Napier)
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