Interactive Sessions

Session A(1)
Play your ‘Widening Access’ cards right
Debbie Meharg, Stephanie Craighill and Kevin Chalmers (School of Computing)

Session A(2)
Accidentally on purpose: an adventure in programme-led innovation
Sam Kelly and Errol Rivera (School of Arts & Creative Industries)

Session A(3)
Mapping the academic skills journey: supporting student ambition
Mel Kinchant and Claire Coleman (Student & Academic Services)

Session A(4)
Flipped learning: creating interaction in lectures using Peer Instruction
John Morrison (School of Computing)
[Abstract]   [View Presentation]

Session A(5)
‘Am I meant to mentor too?’ Mentoring and the PDT role
Isobel Dosser and Janis MacCallum (Faculty of Health, Life and Social Sciences)

Session B(1)
Exploring the benefits and challenges of student mobility
Monika Foster (School of Marketing, Tourism & Languages), Iain Macdonald and Richard Firth (School of Arts & Creative Industries)

Session B(2)
Effective use of Facebook tutorials
Kathy Mouat (School of Marketing, Tourism & Languages) and students in the Facebook group (attending virtually)

Session B(3)
‘Skills passport’ goes live in Life Sciences: helping students to help themselves
Patricia Durkin, Janis MacCallum and Anne MacNab (Student & Academic Services)

Session B(4)
Marking coursework ‘face-to-face’ with the student : a ‘win-win’ situation
Charlotte Chalmers (School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences) and Elaine Mowat (Academic Professional Development)

Session B(5)
Using emotive materials in education: the theory and practice
Lindsey Robb and Marjorie Keys (School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Care)