June 2013 LTA Staff Conference

Strengthening the programme focus;
strengthening the student learning experience

Academic Professional Development staff conference, Friday 14 June 2013, Craiglockhart

An opportunity to learn more about – and contribute to – discussions focused on the University’s move to a programme-based approach:

• enabling student identity with their programmes
• developing graduate attributes
• adopting programme-based assessment
• ensuring student achievement and satisfaction.


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A Very Ambitious Target?

Why Do They Only Use Google? Embedding digital literacy skills in programme design

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Strengthening the Student Learning Experience in the Post PC Era

A Bright (Red) Future for Graduate Employability

Widening Horizons: developing and delivering an international student experience

Fit for Purpose: embedding evidence based practice within the Nursing Programme

Fostering cross-programme research projects to build employability skills

Driving Forward a Programme Based Approach: a skills passport project

Supporting the development of professional person centred communication across the Nursing & Midwifery Programme

Supporting staff to support students with dyslexia: online dyslexia awareness module

The Edinburgh Napier Graduate Employability Project

A collaborative, programme-based approach to developing ‘Confident employable graduates’

Marking students’ essays “face to face”, a way to improve NSS scores on feedback?

The Art of Articulation

The Business School and the Graduate Employability Project

Careers and the Graduate Employability Project: providing additional student support by enhancing existing faculty provision