Timeline Programme

10:00Welcome and Introduction by Dr Andrew Maciver
10:05Prof Andrea Nolan, Principal & Vice Chancellor:  Welcome Address
10:10Dr Andrew Maciver – Introduction and ‘Transport at Napier:  The Early Years 1983–96’  
10:20Prof Keith Dickinson – ‘The early development of TRI (1987-1997)’  
10:30Prof Mike Maher – ‘Traffic and safety modelling research at Napier: 1994–2007’  
10:40Prof Steve Stradling – ‘Top 3 for transport psychology and me’  
10:50Prof Howard Kirby – ‘Punching above one’s weight’ (1997-2007)  
11:00Prof Richard Allsop – ‘Over 20 years of advice, engagement and encouragement’  
11:10Comfort break  
11:20Prof Tariq Muneer – ‘Electric Vehicles: A decade of R&D programme’  
11:30Dr Jason Monios – ‘Maritime research at TRI’  
11:40Prof Tom Rye – ‘A slight change in direction’  
11:50Stephen Cragg (Head of Appraisal and Model Development, Transport Scotland), Jim McGuire (Manager, Infrastructure and Transportation, North Lanarkshire Council) – ‘Creating opportunities for learning and development’  
12:00Dr Aisling Doyle, Transport Scotland – ‘Circular Transport in TS’  
12:10Dr Suzanne Meade, Transport Infrastructure Ireland – ‘Better road safety’  
12:20Dr Faqhrul Islam, Transport Planner, Amey – ‘Research, Lunchtime Seminar and Ukulele’  
12:30Prof Pat Langdon, Interim Head of TRI – Closing remarks and reflections for the future  
12:40Event closes