Dr Clare McTigue has article published on comparing the improvement of two bus services

Dr Clare McTigue has published an article titled “Partnership or franchising to improve bus services in two major English urban regions? An institutional analysis.” The article was written through collaboration with Professor Tom Rye (Molde University College, Norway and Urban Planning Institute of Slovenia, Ljubljana), Dr Robert Hrelja (Department of Urban Studies, Malmo University and K2 – The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Public Transport, Sweden) and Dr Jason Monios (Kedge Business School, France).

The study compares two differing approaches to the improvement of local bus services to understand both how the informal institutional approach (e.g. voluntary partnership working) can be used effectively, but also to assess its limits; and to understand why a formal institutional approach (e.g. franchising), in spite of its strong underlying basis in law, may nonetheless not always function.

This paper is now available online here.

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