PhD student Augustus Ababio-Donkor presents his paper at the IATBR Conference, USA

TRI’s PhD student, Augustus Ababio-Donkor’s transport research study “The Influence of Narcissism on Transport Mode Choice” was presented atThe 15th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 2018” in July 2018 at Santa Barbara, California, USA.


Narcissism describes a person’s obsession with oneself and one’s physical appearance. Much research work in consumer behaviour has found that this personality trait influences subjects’ consumer behaviour. However, the link between this personality trait and travel behaviour is weak. This study bridges the gap by investigating the impact of narcissism on subject’s transport mode choice behaviour.


The conference was organised by “The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research” (IATBR). IATBR is an international organisation of scholars, researchers, practitioners, consultants, and public agency professionals working to advance the field of travel behaviour research. This paper was presented under the session titled “Time Use – Novel Approaches,” a session that he had the privilege of chairing.


Augustus took part in a two-day workshop chaired by Professor Chandra Bhat to identify gaps in time use and travel research and translate these gaps into tangible research problem statements. The IATBR 2018 conference gave Augustus the opportunity to meet, interact, share his work and network with other travel behaviour researchers. Some of the presentations were insightful and instructive, demonstrating some current tools and trends in travel behaviour research.



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