We are very happy to announce that we can offer futher funded PhD opportunities in wide ranging social informatics projects for a number of students who will excel and make a considerable contribution to improving our research.
The Applied Informatics group is looking for students to work on one of the following projects:
- Interactive Digital Storytelling
- Behaviour change for Cybersecurity: Increasing awareness and reducing susceptibility
- The use of digital media tools in creative placemaking practice.
- The role of digital technologies in shifts towards sustainable behaviours – empowering end user engagement through user-centred design
- Playful engagement with Politics in the time of misinformation
- Enabling Tangible Interactions for Mixed Reality Experiences
- Human Information Behaviours in Digital or Online Environments
- Playing in the Past: Investigating User Experience Design in Historical Games
- Safe City Sound Map
- Sound design for VR/AR hill and mountain navigation training and safety
- Multimodal Applications for Cognitive Differences
- An Empirical Analysis of Ethical, High Quality, Open Metadata
- Social robotics
The description of the projects is available here
Details on how to apply can be found here on jobs.ac.uk.
Note the deadline: applications have to be in by 21 May
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