The 7th ISKO UK biennial conference will be in Scotland for the first time. Strathclyde University in Glasgow is hosting the conference on 24-25th July. Prof Diane Rasmussen Pennington, the Secretary-elect of ISKO UK is the conference co-Chair. She recently joined Edinburgh Napier University where she leads the Social Informatics Research Group.
The conference’s focus on information discovery covers: resource description, data quality, and user interfaces. David Haynes is one of the invited speakers and he will talk about ‘Improving Search Quality by Enhancing Access to Metadata’. The talk will reports on progress with the ISKO Working Group on Metadata Guidelines for Subject Access.
The conference will be an opportunity to highlight Napier’s growing profile in knowledge organization. For instance, the applied informatics teaching group recently introduced a module on Information and Knowledge Organization. This is a popular module jointly developed by David Haynes and Frances Ryan.
The research group is continuing to develop its research in knowledge organization and actively welcomes PhD proposals from prospective students of metadata, ontologies or taxonomy research. There is a funded PhD position advertised now on the topic of ethical, high-quality, open metadata supervised by Diane with David as a second supervisor. See the advertisement for details.
The ISKO UK 2023 conference will be a great opportunity to meet leading researchers and practitioners with invited speakers from the UK, Germany, the United States and the Netherlands. For further details of the ISKO UK 2023 conference visit: https://www.iskouk.org/conf2023

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