On April 27, 2022, I had the pleasure of presenting work conducted by Marina Milosheva and myself, Rachel Salzano, at the inaugural ASIS&T 24-Hour Global Conference. Our work, Research in times of crisis: Adaptations of research due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was presented in the first session of the Europe/Africa time zone category.
The inspiration for the project was the research adaptations necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for such adaptations being felt by both the authors and their colleagues. The presentation detailed lessons learnt from a review of the research adaptation literature that had been published during the pandemic and three case studies made of research projects conducted by the Edinburgh Napier University Centre for Social Informatics. From three main lessons learnt, four general planning deliberations were developed that researchers may want to consider when research adaptations must occur.
The abstract, including lessons learnt and deliberations, can be found at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6414398, and the presentation slides are available on SlideShare.
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