Three new information literacy outputs were recently published by CSI’s visiting Professor Brian Detlor and second-year PhD student Marina Milosheva.
The first of the three outputs, published in the latest issue of the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) is Brian’s paper “Community-led digital literacy training: Toward a conceptual framework”, co-authored with Heidi Julien, Tara La Rose, and Alexander Serenko. In the paper, Brian and his co-authors present the findings from an exploratory study of the factors affecting digital literacy training provided by local community organisations. Their work draws on case studies of five local community organisations and two public libraries in Canada and results in the development of a holistic conceptual framework of digital literacy training provided by local community organisations.
The full paper is available to read on the ASIS&T website.

The second and third information literacy publications in the line-up are Marina Milosheva’s latest outputs from her PhD:
- Her literature review paper presented at the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) in late 2021, entitled “New information literacy horizons: Making the case for career information literacy” (in press)
- Her conceptual framework paper entitled “Capturing career information use in everyday life: introducing the CIEL conceptual framework” (accepted for publication in Information Research).
Marina has written two blog posts about her ECIL publication and her participation at the ECIL conference. They are available to read here and here. You can access the full-text version of her ECIL paper through the Napier Repository or through the ECIL conference proceedings. For a quick look at the ECIL proceedings, see the ECIL 2021 book of abstracts.

Her ISIC paper will be presented at the Information Seeking in Context (ISIC) conference later this year. The ISIC conference will be held in Berlin, Germany on 26-29 September at the Humboldt University of Berlin. More information about this publication will be released closer to the date of the conference. In the meantime, see the full list of ISIC contributions here!
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