PhD students Marina Milosheva and Thokozani Kachale are going to be delivering a training session entitled “Changing research plans: How to move forward in times of uncertainty” at this year’s SGSSS Summer School. They originally designed and delivered this training earlier this year after having won some funding from the SGSSS Student-led Training Fund (SLTF). The session proved quite popular, hence they were invited to deliver it again at the SGSSS Summer School, this time for an audience of 50 students (which is double the headcount compared to the last iteration of the training)!
The 2021 SGSSS Summer School will run between the 14th and 18th of June and will bring together hundreds of social science students who will tune in virtually from all over Scotland. The Summer School programme incorporates a wide range of training events, including training in traditional research methods, innovative research methods, research skills, and career development skills.
Marina and Thoko’s training session will comprise of three parts: (1) a research adaptations lecture based on a literature review of research published during the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) a case study segment based on four case studies of PhD students who have had to adapt or considerably change their research due to an unforeseen circumstance; (3) a PhD student “support group” where students will be invited to reflect on the research adaptations they have had to, or will have to, complete in their own research.
All of our PhD students will be attending the SGSSS Summer School as well, and are really excited about meeting new people, learning new skills, and attending training that will directly apply to their current and future research. They are always on the lookout for new techniques that they can add to their research methods arsenal and will be going into the Summer School with an open mind as they have found that inspiration that helps their research plans ‘click’ sometimes comes from entirely unsuspected sources. They are particularly looking forward to attending training in creative research methods and training in the new materialisms.
On a more light-hearted note, our PhD students also say that they are looking forward to receiving goody bags from the SGSSS containing merchandise, stationery, and biscuits – all of which have been in short supply now that events have been moved online!
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