Edinburgh Napier University supports the ‘green’ route to open access, where authors deposit copies of their research in the institutional repository. Many authors also want…

Here’s some good news for a Friday! If you’re a member of the British Psychological Society, you will not be charged an article processing charge…

It’s taken a while to go through various publisher contracts but we’ve finally managed to extract information about an increased number of APCs available to researchers…

If you’re thinking of doing some research over the summer, we’ve got some great resources to help you. Have you seen our Decision Tree? This…

Offset APCs are a new, rapidly changing area as publishers offer discounted or free Article Processing Charges as part of their journal subscription packages. The offset…

JISC, RLUK, SCONUL and the Association of Research Managers and Administrators have recently published a thought-provoking discussion paper, Academic journal markets, their limitations, and the…

The League of European Research Universities (LERU) have released a statement in support of open access and are asking for support from universities, libraries, researchers,…

Executive Director of Jisc Digital Resources and CEO of Jisc Colections, Lorraine Estelle, has written a very thought provoking piece about the price of open access…