Consultation on the arrangements for research assessment in the second Research Excellence Framework (REF2021) was announced earlier today. This consultation was published by the four UK funding bodies…

If you’re thinking of doing some research over the summer, we’ve got some great resources to help you. Have you seen our Decision Tree? This…

The members of a new steering group set up to review university research funding ahead of the next REF have been announced. The group will be…

After a very busy Open Access Week we thought it would be a good idea to do a round-up post. The foyer roadshows were well attended and on each…

Then check out the Versions Toolkit for authors, researchers and repository staff produced by LSE. Written with open access(OA) in mind this practical guide is…

The researcher identifier solution – ORCID will now be offered to UK higher education institutions through a national consortium arrangement operated by JISC. This should…

Are you wondering how UK HEIs are getting on with implementing HEFCE’s open access policy? Neil Jacobs, Head of Scholarly Communications Support at JISC, has…

EPSRC policy comes into effect on 1st May 2015. Unique amongst funders, EPSRC expects institutions and researchers receiving funding from them to fulfil explicit responsibilities…

Sir Bob Burgess, former University of Leicester Vice-Chancellor as chair of the committee which reviewed the RCUK Policy on Open Access commented that the review…

Have you benefited from FP7 funding? Then this pilot may be of interest. A fund of EUR 4m has been established to help cover the…