A UK-wide agreement has been signed with the publisher Wiley to cover the costs of open access. From 2 March 2020, this new agreement means…

There are many types of Open Access. Green Open Access for example means depositing or ‘self-archiving’ a copyright-free version of your work in a digital…

The European Commission launched the FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot early in 2015, https://www.openaire.eu/postgrantoapilot, to fund Open Access publishing fees for publications arising from finished…

Then check out the Versions Toolkit for authors, researchers and repository staff produced by LSE. Written with open access(OA) in mind this practical guide is…

Are you involved in Humanities research and concerned about publishing your research open access? Then you may be interested in a new collaborative open access…

EC/OPenAire Gold Open Access Pilot Project reports on its first technical workshop. The FP7 post-grant Gold OA Pilot aims to set up a two pronged…

Sir Bob Burgess, former University of Leicester Vice-Chancellor as chair of the committee which reviewed the RCUK Policy on Open Access commented that the review…

Have you benefited from FP7 funding? Then this pilot may be of interest. A fund of EUR 4m has been established to help cover the…