Commercial Awareness

Commercial Awareness is a key skill that every law student should develop, no matter what year of study. In association with BeComAware, we will provide you with important commercial awareness updates on this page on the Monday of every week. There will also be a ‘Commercial Term of the week’ to help you to continually build upon your knowledge of commercial terminology.

Monday 21 December 2020
  • The University of Law is set to establish a presence in Scotland for the first time by purchasing Central Law Training Scotland (CLT Scotland).

More information available at Legal Cheek and The Scotsman.

  • Tesla shares surge to a new high on S&P 500 inclusion. An individual share in the company is now valued at $695, giving the carmaker a market capitalisation of $658bn.

More information available with the Financial Times.

  • The EU is threatening to break up Big Tech companies over competition law.  The EU has also released a draft of its ‘Digital Services Act’, designed to make tech companies more accountable for illegal behaviour on their platforms.

More information available with the Financial Times and the BBC.

Commercial Term of the week: ‘Due Diligence’

Due diligence essentially means ‘research’. It is an investigation, audit, or review which might be conducted when looking into a business or product that you are interested in purchasing, making a deal with, or investing in.

Due diligence is conducted to allow the buyer to have a clear understanding of what they will receive and the seller’s background. Deals or transactions that involve due diligence are said to be more successful since the buyer can make a more informed decision and build trust with the seller.

Monday 14 December 2020

Commercial Term of the week: ‘Contentious/Non-Contentious’

Contentious legal work relates to legal disputes that occur between two or more parties, such as a court hearing or a tribunal. Contentious legal areas include Criminal law, family law, Employment, personal injury, Civil and Commercial Litigation.

Non-Contentious legal work relates to transactions occurring between one or more parties, such as the sale or purchase of a house. Non-Contentious legal areas include Conveyancing, Commercial Property, Corporate Finance, Commercial Contract.