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Category: 3D modelling & Animation

Featured Honours Project: Sensory Soundscapes by Ellen Scott

Sensory Soundscapes was created by Ellen Scott for her honours project and focussed on visualisation techniques within virtual reality (VR) experiences.  The project offers a unique, interactive and fully multisensory experience that transports participants through three musical environments.  Each environment explores a different musical genre and music visualisation technique that users experience in VR via the Oculus Quest 2 headset.  The clip above shows a walkthrough of the project, while the images below show some of the interiors created in Unreal Engine.

Different environments were created to represent the different soundscapes

3 different bar interiors were created – this one shows the Jazz bar

The Tiki bar

Poster explaining Ellen's project

Ellen’s poster explains the process followed to create the project.

You can see more of Ellen’s work here –

This post is part of a series celebrating the work the year 4 students have created for their honours projects.  Thanks to Ellen for allowing us to feature this work.

Featured Honours Project: Fufilment – A Virtual Reality Mindfulness Experience by Sarah Carswell

Sarah’s honours project built on an idea she had originally had during a year 3 module, to create a wellbeing app.  During the honours project she took the idea in a new direction, creating a Virtual Reality experience.  “Fufilment” is a relaxing space that users can investigate while undertaking mindfulness activities such as icing cakes and swimming.  Inspired by Studio Ghibli environments and colour palette, the space has an eclectic feel, which is further enhanced by clever lighting and sound design (and a few pet cats).

Sarah tested her project with users, who praised the look and feel of the project, giving her useful feedback to make navigating the space straightforward, as well as ideas for activities that could be developed in the future.

You can see more of Sarah’s work here –

Poster explaining the process of the project

Sarah’s poster explains the process she followed to create the experience

Interior of virtual experience

The interior is designed to feel lived in but relaxing

The project features s surprise underwater scene

The project features a surprise underwater scene

This post is part of a series celebrating the work the year 4 students have created for their honours projects.  Thanks to Sarah for allowing us to feature this work.

Featured Honours Project : Investigating Affordable Animation Software by Ray Wyse

For the honours project Ray investigated different free and low cost animation software, before creating an animatic; proving that you don’t need to spend a lot to get professional results.   The scene was created in 3d space using Blender, an open source software, with the 2d character drawings slotted in between the 3d models.  This allowed Ray to manipulate what the viewer would see in the final piece and create different camera angles and shot types.

Ray has already had some success with the project, winning “Best Poster” at the honours project showcase.

You can see more of Ray’s work here –

An image of a room in a 3d modelling package

The 3D space before colour and filters are used to give the cartoon effect.

An image of a  3d room with a 2d character added within Blender

This image shows how the 2d characters can be placed within the 3d space

Ray's prize winning honours poster

Ray’s prize winning honours poster, which explains the process undertaken

This post is part of a series celebrating the work the year 4 students have created for their honours projects.  Thanks to Ray for allowing us to feature this work.