Rocio from year 3 Digital Media and Interaction Design created this motion graphics piece on the theme of disintegration.
She says “I decided to explore what disintegration suggested to me personally, and landed on a theme of our current view of events. Through the eyes of Social Media we can see what happens in the world almost in real-time but ironically this detaches us from the events greatly. We become spectators and have come to a point where posting a picture or changing your profile photo seems like an active participation in solving some of the world’s biggest problems, and where we also get to choose which ones to represent and which to not. I felt that I, as much as people around me, have fallen into the false perspective that this is doing enough and how this is quite nonsensical. “
Her characters are carefully designed to be simple yet show emotion and she has integrated live action and photographs with the animation.
You can see more of Rocio’s work in her portfolio here –
Many thanks to Rocio for allowing us to share her work. The Motion Graphics module is run by Dr. Richard Hetherington and Andrew McKelvey.