Interactive Media Design student Gabriele Maffoni has been working as a research assistant for Dr. Laura Muir for the last few months. They’ve been using our state of the art User Experience lab, The Sensorium, to capture eye tracking data for a research project which aims to improve facial recognition for security systems by analysing patterns in human behaviour.
Gabriele says ” I was given the opportunity to work in the Sensorium Lab and to be research assistant on a project that involves eye tracking. I have an active role in the research and I am learning skills that will be useful in my future dream job (UX Designer), as well as gaining knowledge about topics that seemed unrelated to me. Turns out, they are!”
They are seen here at the Edinburgh Napier University research conference, sharing the findings so far. Gabriele is now spending the summer undertaking an internship in a User Experience company in Italy – the perfect opportunity to put his new skills to the test before returning for fourth year.
You can follow Dr. Laura Muir (@ilauramuir) on twitter.