Announcement of the next conference
WoodMusICK2019 at Edinburgh University,
Edinburgh (UK), 17th-18th October 2019
The next WoodMusICK conference will take place on the 17th – 18th October 2019, hosted by the University of Edinburgh at St Cecilia’s Hall.
The theme this year will be Wood, Musical Instruments, and Sound.
The EU-funded COST-Action WoodMusICK started in 2013 and brought together scientists, conservators, instrument makers from different fields. After the conclusion of this four-year project, it was agreed to keep this platform alive and continue having biennial conferences. Since we have no financial support from the EU-COST-Action, this year there will be a conference fee and the organisation committee will not cover travel costs.
Please, save the date. More information, a website and a call for papers will be published soon.
The theme this year will be Wood, Musical Instruments, and Sound. This covers a wide scope including:
- Conservation of historical wooden musical instruments;
- Wood and the making of new instruments;
- The role of wood in performance and musical heritage;
- Wood and acoustics, from instruments to concert halls.
We are keen to have participation from makers, musicians, conservators, wood scientists and even foresters. If you are interested in both wood and music, this is the conference for you!
If you would like to receive further information please sign up for the mailing list at http://eepurl.com/ggYrJb
The organising committee of WoodMusICK 2019 in Edinburgh.
Jonathan Santa Maria Bouquet,
Dan Ridley-Ellis
Sebastian Kirsch.
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