CEN TC124 WG2 TG1 Machine grading settings and visual grading assignments for EN 1912

Convener and secretary’s page

DATE OF NEXT FULL MEETING: spring 2025 (date to be determined)

Hybrid meeting, online and in Munich.

Meetings are usually held twice a year, typically in (approximately) April and November.  In order to guarantee that reports are reviewed at the next meeting, they should be uploaded to the TG1 website by the end of February (for the “April” meeting) and the end of September (for the “November” meeting).  If you are not a TG1 member, you can send reports to David Gil-Moreno or Dan Ridley-Ellis (after first asking for the report numbers to use).

Important, in order to correctly prepare reports you will need:

– The TG1 sampling guidelines (download version dated 4 July 2022)

– The TG1 decision list (download version dated 10 June 2024)

The file naming convention, adopted at the October 2018 meeting.

– The description of the TG1 workflow and acceptance procedure (download version dated 7th March 2017)

It is advisable to check with the TG1 convenor, secretary or another TG1 member (or TC124 WG2 member), before planning a report so that you have all the information you need and can avoid some common problems. As mentioned above, you will also need to contact them to ask for a report number and to submit the report to the committee.

For a brief explanation of what TG1 does, and why the decision list exists – see this blog post, and this journal paper (doi:10.1007/s00107-016-1034-1). Note, however, that the journal paper predates the current (2018) version of EN14081-2 and several of the important calculation procedures are changed.

For a list of grading machines (approved for machine control in Europe to EN 14081), see this blog post and the journal paper on settings for UK and Ireland linked at the bottom of this page.  Other kinds of machine may be used for output control.

For news on relevant standards see: CEN/TC124 work programme.  This blog: EN 14081, EN 384, EN 408, EN 14358, EN 338, EN 336, EN 1912

It was agreed (2017/03) that TG1 expects the latest versions of the standards are used as soon as they are made available by CEN (unless justified otherwise). This may be before they are published by all individual National Standards Bodies. Check the CEN/TC124 work programme for updates and contact the TG1 convenor or secretary if in any doubt.

The latest AGR/ITT for visual strength grading is here (dated 10 June 2024). For information about the assignments now incorporated into EN 1912:2024 you can consult the (now superseded) version dated 6 May 2024. For machine grading, contact the manufacturer or your Notified / Approved Body. The current list of AGR/ITT tables is as follows:

Machine numberMachine (or visual)ManufacturerHighest table numberIssue dateSigned by
000VisualNone10/06/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
001Cook BolindersTecmach Ltd415/11/2011Tony Fewell
002Computermatic MicromaticMeasuring and Process Control Ltd515/11/2011Tony Fewell
003Raute TimbergraderVTT115/08/2011Tony Fewell
004EuroGrecomat-702MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH101/08/2009Tony Fewell
005Goldeneye 702 / 802MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH8922/12/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
006EuroGrecomat-704MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH101/08/2009Tony Fewell
007DynagradeDynalyse AB1608/11/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
008ViscanMiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH7422/12/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
009EuroGrecomat-706MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH119/08/2009Tony Fewell
010Goldeneye 706 / 806MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH10222/12/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
011MTG 960Brookhuis Applied Technologies BV4010/05/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
012PrecigraderDynalyse AB2008/11/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
013GrademasterDimter GmbH Maschinenfabrik131/07/2009EN14081-4
014EScan FW/FWM or mtgESCAN 962/966LuxScan Technologies or Brookhuis Applied Data Intelligence BV4910/07/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
015TriomaticCBS (Concept Bois Structure SARL)1101/06/2012Charlotte Bengtsson
016CRPAutomatisation J.R.T Inc121/08/2009Tony Fewell
017Xyloclass TXYLOMECA909/01/2015Mattias Brannstrom
018NoesysSARL Esteves321/11/2011Tony Fewell
019MTG 920Brookhuis Applied Technologies BV2010/05/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
020Viscan PlusMiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH7522/12/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
021Xyloclass FXYLOMECA201/08/2009Tony Fewell
022Viscan CompactMiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH7822/12/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
023mtgBATCH 962/966Brookhuis Applied Technologies BV4810/07/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
024mtgBATCH 922/926Brookhuis Applied Technologies BV2010/05/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
025RosgradeRoséns Vision AB1608/11/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
026EScan F/FM or mtgESCAN 922/926LuxScan Technologies or Brookhuis Applied Data Intelligence BV2010/07/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
027E-CONTROL model ACInnodura430/04/2017Charlotte Bengtsson
028Rosgrade plusRosén & Co Maskin AB421/09/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
029Viscan portable WITH balanceMiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH4330/04/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
030Viscan portable WITHOUT balanceMiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH3430/04/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
031WoodEye Strength GraderInnovativ Vision AB115/05/2015Mattias Brannstrom
032RS Strength GraderRemaSawco AB1515/05/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
033LuxScan OptiStrength XELuxscan technologies225/08/2022Dan Ridley-Ellis
034LuxScan OptiStrength XLuxscan technologies325/08/2022Dan Ridley-Ellis
035STIGILKON – Inštitut za les in konstrukcije101/08/2018Mattias Brannstrom
036Finscan Nova (Boardmaster Nova)Microtec Innovating Wood Oy, Klovinpellontie 1-3, FI-02180 Espoo, Finland1202/05/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
037Finscan HD (Boardmaster HD)Microtec Innovating Wood Oy, Klovinpellontie 1-3, FI-02180 Espoo, Finland620/12/2021Dan Ridley-Ellis
038MODULOM. Manfred Hudel116/11/2020Dan Ridley-Ellis
039RS Strength Grader DensityRemaSawco AB415/05/2023Dan Ridley-Ellis
040Goldeneye 901MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH922/12/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
041Goldeneye 902MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH422/12/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
042Goldeneye 906MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH1022/12/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
043DenscanMiCROTEC s.r.l. - GmbH222/12/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis
044Finnos Board ScannerFinnos Oy222/12/2024Dan Ridley-Ellis

You can obtain information about the timber grading options for timber grown in UK and Ireland in this open access journal paper:
The published version of the paper is missing a newly approved combination of larch and Douglas-fir, and a new settings set for spruce. The list of grading machines has also been extended. The latest addendum (05 May 2024) can be obtained here (pdf).