Previous research students

Thomas DrewettThe growth and quality of UK-grown Douglas-fir” Edinburgh Napier University 2015

Gregory SearlesAcoustic segregation and structural timber production”, Edinburgh Napier University 2012

Ivor Davies “Moisture conditions in external timber cladding: field trials and their design implications“. PhD thesis, Edinburgh Napier University 2011

Aamir KhokharThe evaluation of shear properties of timber beams using torsion test method”, Edinburgh Napier University 2011

Timothy ReynoldsVariables affecting the stiffness and distortion of Sitka spruce”, Edinburgh Napier University 2010 (published 2012)

Thomas ReichertDevelopment of 3D lattice models for predicting non-linear timber joint behaviour” Edinburgh Napier University 2009


Research students who worked within the SIRT network

Steven AdamsThe impact of changing climate on tree growth and wood quality of Sitka spruce“. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow 2014.

Paul McLean



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