We are seeking applications for the position of Research Assistant, Full Time – Fixed Term (2 years)
Closing Date: 12 August 2019 | Interviews date: 27 August 2019
The role:
“InFutUReWood”, Innovative Design for the Future – Use and Reuse of Wood (Building) Components is a new project, with partners in Sweden, UK, Ireland, Germany, Finland, Spain and Slovenia. The timber construction sector is growing and innovative, with new methods of building and new engineered wood products, composites and treatments. This project looks one step into the future to ask: “How should we build today to be able to circulate tomorrow?”, “How easy is it to reuse the wood from current buildings especially as a structural material?” and “How can the past experience help the future?” The knowledge will be transferred to industry to avoid inadvertent and unnecessary problems for future generations. We are leading the work package that looks at grading for quality of recovered wood, and similarly variable new wood from more diverse sources. We will also work on design for deconstruction, design with recycled wood, and lifecycle assessment.
The InFutUReWood project is supported under the umbrella of ERA-NET Cofund ForestValue which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773324. The UK funding is provided by the Forestry Commissioners.
Who we are looking for:
As Research Assistant you will be undertaking research, analysis and knowledge transfer, writing reports, giving presentations and networking with researchers and industry. The role includes elements of learning and teaching to supervise linked undergraduate projects, and deliver continuing professional development to practitioners.
The role includes engineering laboratory work and travel to meetings and conferences in the UK and Europe. The work will be in the area of timber grading and properties assessment, standardisation, timber engineering, and environmental assessment.
Click here for information about the position, and how to apply
Location: Edinburgh (working in our Seven Hills building, and Merchiston campus)
Salary: £26,243 to £31,302
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
You can read more about the general aims of the InFutURewood project here
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