Dr. Dongyang SUN (DS) has become an academic staff in SEBE since April 2017, prior to which he has been working in an industrial funded research project in ENU and contributed to the development of a patent for the sponsor with the subject of Low Energy Method for The Preparation of Non-derivatised Nanocellulose (Patent number: 9371401).
DS was awarded his PhD degree in Materials with the subject of Deposition-Patterning of Lead Zirconate Titanate using Electrohydrodynamic Atomisation at the University of London, in which he was greatly experienced on the knowledge of EHDA processing technique. His research experience also includes a 6-month postdoctoral work, collaborating with British Petroleum, on the topic of protection layer coating of aluminium alloys, before joining Napier in 2008.
DS has obtained a lot of experience on the subject of cellulose and cellulose processing when working in the above project. His expertise includes knowledge on scanning/transmission electron microscopy, nanomaterials processing and characterisation techniques including XRD, TGA-DSC, EDXA, AFM, FTIR, UV-Vis and so on. He has also been working on the swelling behaviour of various wood species, for example using dynamic vapour sorption apparatus.
His current research lies within the field of using natural materials (e.g. cellulose) for processing battery components. The project involves academics from international institutions and local industrial partners in Scotland.
A list of recent publications include
- Tan, W., Saw, T., Yew, M., Naqiuddin, NH., Sun, D., Cai, Z., Chong, W. and Pei-Yu Kuo P., 2020, “Analysis of the polypropylene thin film-based aluminum-air battery”, 2020, Frontiers in Energy Research, section Sustainable Energy Systems and Policies, submitted.
- Onyianta, A., O’Rourke, D., Sun, D., Popescu, C. & Dorris, M., 2020, “High aspect ratio cellulose nanofibrils from macroalgae Laminaria hyperborea cellulose extract via a zero-waste low energy process”, Cellulose, vol.27, pp-7997-8010.
- Sun, D., Onyianta, A., O’Rourke, D., Perrin, G., Popescu, C.M., Saw, L., Cai, Z. & Dorris, M., 2020, “A process for deriving high quality cellulose nanofibrils from Water hyacinth invasive species”, Cellulose, vol. 27, pp. 3727–3740.
- Popescu, M.C., Dogaru, B.I., Sun D., Stoleru E. & Simionescu B.C., 2019, “Structural and sorption properties of bio-nanocomposite films based on κ-carrageenan and cellulose nanocrystals”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, vol. 135, issue 15, p462-471.
- Vadodaria, S., Onyianta, A. & Sun, D., 2018, “High-shear rate rheometry of micro-nanofibrillated cellulose (CMF/CNF) suspensions using rotational rheometer”, Cellulose, vol. 25, issue 10, pp5535-5552.