Increasing the diversity of the student population is a priority for the higher education sector. Attracting more diverse cohorts provides many benefits for students, academics and institutions. Realising these benefits means adapting our teaching approaches to provide an inclusive and equitable learning experience for increasingly diverse student cohorts. For HE staff, who may already be facing increased workloads, it can be difficult to find time to dedicate to developing this aspect of their pedagogy.
We want to find out about your experiences of teaching computer science, informatics and related subjects to diverse cohorts in Scottish higher education. We are asking academics from SICSA institutions with any level of teaching experience to complete a questionnaire on the topic. We want to share resources and strategies that you have used successfully, as well as any challenges you have experienced.
The questionnaire should take 15-30 minutes to complete. It is anonymous and you will be helping to support the SICSA community to enhance their teaching practice, and shaping an inclusive learning environment for our students.
The questionnaire can be accessed here: https://uofg.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3vMTXRMoqCONqPY
The study is being undertaken by Jonathan Grizou, Ashley Morton, Danai Korre and Marianne Wilson as part of the SICSA’s Learning & Teaching Scholars program,
If you have any questions about participating in this research, please contact jonathan.grizou@glasgow.ac.uk
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