A study of online safety and digital literacy of academic researchers working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic
David Haynes and Rachel Salzano at the Centre for Social Informatics presented a paper at the ASIS&T 24 hour Global conference on 27th April 2022.
A survey of staff at Edinburgh Napier University identified the risks to online safety and privacy faced by researchers working from home during the pandemic. This was followed by two workshops to identify potential solutions and a Delphi-type survey to identify areas where further research is needed.
The top-ranked information concerns were: privacy breaches, losing research data, data corruption, unauthorised access to research data, and loss of access to data or systems.
Addressing risk
The following measures were identified to address these concerns: provision of guidelines for working from home, setting procedures to ensure that personal information is held securely, training staff in safe working, developing a policy on home working, and doing audits of home safety.
Further information
The slides for this paper are available at https://zenodo.org/communities/asist-24hr-2022/
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