The Home of Digital Media and Interaction Design, User Experience Design, Animation for Games, Web Design and Development, Game Development and Sound Design
“The Tourist” is a short animation created by Manuel Herrera Reyes, based on the idea that even Monsters like to post reviews about their travels. Manuel’s love of quirky characters and fairytales is clear throughout the film, which also features some other surprise characters, that even the Monster decides are not worth eating!
Map showing the environment where the story takes place.
“The Tourist” Main character design
Additional Character Designs
This work was created for the 2D animation module run by Fiona Stewart and Andrew McKelvey. Thanks to Manuel for allowing us to feature his work.
Kakapookie is a short animation created by Kateryna Fatnieva for the 2D Animation module. The story features Kakapookie, who is based on the rare Kakapo, a ground dwelling parrot. In Kateryna’s story the bird turns out not to be quite as cute and cuddly as it looks! The illustrations were created using Illustrator before being animated in After Effects.
Goodnight Sara is a short animation made by Rebecca Allen for her year 2 2D animation project. In the film Sara discovers that being tired and stressed can lead to unexpected consequences.
Initial Character design for Sara
Design for Sara’s bedroom
Rebecca created her characters and backgrounds in Procreate to give a hand-drawn feel before rigging and animating in After Effects.
For the honours project Ray investigated different free and low cost animation software, before creating an animatic; proving that you don’t need to spend a lot to get professional results. The scene was created in 3d space using Blender, an open source software, with the 2d character drawings slotted in between the 3d models. This allowed Ray to manipulate what the viewer would see in the final piece and create different camera angles and shot types.
Ray has already had some success with the project, winning “Best Poster” at the honours project showcase.
The 3D space before colour and filters are used to give the cartoon effect.
This image shows how the 2d characters can be placed within the 3d space
Ray’s prize winning honours poster, which explains the process undertaken
This post is part of a series celebrating the work the year 4 students have created for their honours projects. Thanks to Ray for allowing us to feature this work.
We’re so excited to share this piece by Sophie Spalding, one of our year 2 DMID students. There are definite echoes in this story of the fact that a lot of us have been alone more than usual this year and looking for a little contact – human or otherwise. The pre-production images below show Sophie’s character designs and an excerpt from her storyboards – finishing these to a high standard meant the story was clearly mapped out ahead of beginning the animation process. We hope she makes a second episode so we can see what the characters get up to next….
This work was created for the 2D animation module run by Fiona Stewart and Andrew McKelvey. Thanks to Sophie for allowing us to feature her work.
We love the colours and hand-drawn style of year 2 DMID student Alynna Aquino’s “Puddles”, she has really captured the spirit of a Scottish autumn day after the rain. We’ve included some of her beautiful concept work below. You can see more of Alynna’s work in her portfolio here –
This work was created for the 2D animation module run by Fiona Stewart and Andrew McKelvey. Thanks to Alynna for allowing us to feature her work.
This gorgeous 2d animated piece has been created by Karissa Laine for the 2D animation module. As you can see from the sample of her storyboards below, a lot of time went into ensuring the movement of the creatures was just right. You can see more of Karissa’s work here
This work was created for the 2D animation module run by Dr. Richard Hetherington. Thanks to Karissa for allowing us to feature her work.
Mate & Jones is a an animation by Alarik Jägerhorn, one of our second year Digital Media and Interaction Design students. This quirky story showcases the Alarik’s art style perfectly as the concept image below shows. You can see more of Alarik’s work here – and here
This work was created for the 2D animation module run by Dr. Richard Hetherington. Thank you to Alarik for allowing us to share his work.
This intriguing animation was created by Jutta Kuismanen for our 2D animation module run by Dr. Richard Hetherington and Andrew McKelvey. The brief asks students to create a 1-2 minute animation showing the interaction between two characters. The model sheet below shows some of the development process that Jutta used to ensure her characters would work well together on screen. You can see more of Jutta’s work here
Many thanks to Jutta for allowing us to feature her work.