Learning resources

You can download the latest versions of the:
“Wood properties activity” [pdf]
“Wood properties teacher supplement” [pdf]

The activity centres around a set of wood samples. Here are some handy Wikipedia links for each of those:
– Spruce (Sitka / Norway)
– Pine (Scots)
– Larch (European / Japanese / hybrid)
Western red cedar
– Oak (pendunculate / sessile)
– Birch (silver / downy)
Particleboard (chipboard)

A little game to identify the samples (this is hard to do even with the wood samples):

You can find other games here

The wood database website has a lot of useful things, including a quick guide to wood identification.

You can also find learning resources about trees and wood on the OWL (Outdoor and Woodland Learning Scotland) website.

You can find out more about wood and forestry – and jobs in that area – in this online booklet. It also has lots of nice photographs.

Lantra: The wood and the trees – forestry induction pack

Some related YouTube videos

Timber strength testing (just the exciting parts where it breaks!)

Timber breaking (video by Edinburgh Napier University)

A summary of the UK forest and timber industry – and the people who work in it – with some good video of the processes.

Our Forests, Our people (video by Confor)

Researcher, Marlene Cramer, explains timber grading with plums

Wood explained by Wood Scientist Jim and his grandson Spencer

Jim and Spencer explain wood grain

Jim and Spencer explain hardwoods and softwoods

Jim and Spencer explain water in wood