Edit 23.07.2023: a citable list of these machine details, correct to date can be found in https://doi.org/10.1080/20426445.2022.2050549.
Edit: 02.05.2024: new machines are included in the addendum to that paper, here, underneath a list of the very latest settings tables (AGR/ITT) for all the machines.
The strength grading of timber by machine has seen many technological developments in the last few years. The first type of machine, developed back in the 1960s, worked by physically bending the timber in order to assess the stiffness, and thereby estimate the strength (not a proof loading test!), but these days there a several other ways it is done.
In this post, we will look at the machines approved for machine controlled strength grading of timber in Europe, with some quick comments on their mode of operation and maximum operating speed. We will cover them in order in which they are listed by CEN TC124 WG2 TG1 (approximate order of development). This is for guidance only – please contact the machine manufacturer or your Notified/Approved Body for proper information. (You may like to know there is a list of machines approved by the American Lumber Standard Committee here)
1. Cook Bolinders
Tecmach Ltd, Sanderson Centre, Lees Lane, Gosport, Hants. PO12 3UL
Mechanical bending type machine (minor axis) [mechanical stiffness]
Maximum feed speed 100-150 m/min
2. Computermatic Micromatic
Measuring and Process Control Ltd, Unit 2, Tabrums Industrial Estate, Battlesbridge, Essex, England SS11 7QX
Mechanical bending type machine (minor axis) [mechanical stiffness]
Maximum feed speed 105 m/min
3. Raute Timbergrader
VTT, P.O.Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finland
Mechanical bending type machine (minor axis) [mechanical stiffness]
Maximum feed speed 48-124 m/min
4. EuroGrecomat-702
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
X-ray type machine [density, size and position of knots]
Maximum feed speed 80-300 m/min
5. Goldeneye 702 (GoldenEye-702) / Goldeneye 802
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
X-ray type machine [density, size and position of knots]
702: Maximum feed speed 450 m/min (and able to do board splitting)
802: Maximum feed speed 1200 m/min (and able to do board splitting)
6. EuroGrecomat-704
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
X-ray type machine [density, size and position of knots] combined with
Mechanical bending type machine (minor axis) [mechanical stiffness]
Maximum feed speed 80-120 m/min
7. Dynagrade
Dynalyse AB, Brodalsvägen 7, SE – 433 38 Partille, Sweden
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness, without density]
Maximum feed speed 100-240 pieces/min
8. Viscan (ViSCAN)
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness, without density]
Maximum feed speed 180 pieces/min
9. EuroGrecomat-706
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
X-ray type machine [density, size and position of knots] combined with
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness]
Maximum feed speed 150 pieces/min (acoustic) and 80-300 m/min (xray)
10. Goldeneye 706 (GoldenEye-706) / Goldeneye 806
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
X-ray type machine [density, size and position of knots] combined with
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness] (a Viscan)
Maximum feed speed 180 pieces/min (acoustic) and 450 m/min (xray, 706 version) or 1200 m/min (xray, 806 version) (and able to do board splitting)
11. MTG 960 (MTG with balance)
Brookhuis Applied Technologies BV, Institutenweg 15, 7521 PH Enschede, The Netherlands
A handheld portable grading machine (and weighing scales)
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed not stated (manual operation)
12. Precigrader
Dynalyse AB, Brodalsvägen 7, SE – 433 38 Partille, Sweden
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 180 pieces/min
13. Grademaster
Dimter GmbH Maschinenfabrik, Illertissen, Germany
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density combined with
Optical scanner for knot measurements]
Maximum feed speed 25 pieces/min and 180 m/min
14. Escan FWM/FW and mtgESCAN 962/966
Luxscan technologies, Z.A.R.E Ouest, L-4384 Ehlerange, Luxembourg
Brookhuis Applied Technologies BV, Institutenweg 15, 7521 PH Enschede, The Netherlands
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 180 pieces/min
15. Triomatic
CBS (Concept Bois Structure SARL), 4 Rue des Longs Champs, 25140 Les Écorces, France
Acoustic type machine (ultrasonic time of flight, and pin indentation density) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 30-40 pieces/min
16. CRP
Automatisation J.R.T Inc, 405 avenue Galilée, Quebec, Canada
Mechanical bending type machine (minor axis) [mechanical stiffness]
Maximum feed speed 250 m/min
17. Xyloclass T
XYLOMECA, 41 rue Michel Montaigne, 24700 Moulan Neuf, France
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 50 pieces/min
18. Noesys
SARL Esteves, Zone artisanale, Route du Malzieu, 48200 Saint chely d’Apcher, France
Acoustic type machine (edgewise flexural resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 4 pieces/min
19. MTG 920 (MTG without balance)
Brookhuis Applied Technologies BV, Institutenweg 15, 7521 PH Enschede, The Netherlands
A handheld portable grading machine
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness without density]
Maximum feed speed not stated (manual operation)
20. Viscan Plus (ViSCAN-PLUS)
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 180 pieces/min
21. Xyloclass F
XYLOMECA, 41 rue Michel Montaigne, 24700 Moulan Neuf, France
Acoustic type machine (flexural resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 20 pieces/min
22. Viscan Compact (ViSCAN-COMPACT)
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 35 pieces/min
Maximum feed speed of high speed version (HSV) is 80 pieces/min
23. MTGbatch 962/966 (with balance)
Brookhuis Applied Technologies BV, Institutenweg 15, 7521 PH Enschede, The Netherlands
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 30 pieces/min
24. MTGbatch 922/926 (without balance)
Brookhuis Applied Technologies BV, Institutenweg 15, 7521 PH Enschede, The Netherlands
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness without density]
Maximum feed speed 30 pieces/min
25. Rosgrade
Roséns Vision AB, Hulda Mellgrens gata 2, 421 32 Västra Frölunda, Sweden
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness without density]
Maximum feed speed 100 pieces/min
26. EScan FM/F and mtgESCAN 922/926
Luxscan technologies, Z.A.R.E Ouest, L-4384 Ehlerange, Luxembourg
Brookhuis Applied Technologies BV, Institutenweg 15, 7521 PH Enschede, The Netherlands
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness]
Maximum feed speed 180 pieces/min
27. E-CONTROL model AC
Innodura, 11 avenue Albert Einstein, 69 100 Villeurbanne, France
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 80 pieces/min (10 pieces/min for semi-automatic version)
28. Rosgrade plus
Rosén & Co Maskin AB, 531 94 Lovene, Sweden
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed 100 pieces/min
29. Viscan portable WITH balance (ViSCAN-portable_WITH_balance)
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
A portable grading machine
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density]
Maximum feed speed not stated (manual operation)
30. Viscan portable WITHOUT balance (ViSCAN-portable_WITHOUT_balance)
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
A portable grading machine
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness without density]
Maximum feed speed not stated (manual operation)
31. WoodEye Strength Grader
Microtec AB (Microtec Linköping), Idögatan 10, 582 78 Linköping, Sweden
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness with density] combined with
Laser tracheid effect type machine [slope of grain]
Maximum feed speed 180 pieces/min and 450 m/min
32. RS Strength Grader
RemaSawco AB, Snickaregatan 40, 582 26 Linköping, Sweden
Laser tracheid effect type machine [slope of grain]
Maximum feed speed 75 m/min
33. LuxScan OptiStrength XE
Luxscan technologies, Z.A.R.E Ouest, L-4384 Ehlerange, Luxembourg
X-ray type machine [density, size and position of knots] combined with
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness] (an EScan F)
Maximum feed speed 180 pieces/min (acoustic) 240 m/min (xray)
34. LuxScan OptiStrength X
Luxscan technologies, Z.A.R.E Ouest, L-4384 Ehlerange, Luxembourg
X-ray type machine [density, size and position of knots]
Maximum feed speed 240 m/min
35. STIG (strength timber grading machine for Slovenian spruce)
ILKON – Inštitut za les in konstrukcije, Ulica Nadgoriških borcev 43, 1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče, Slovenia
A portable grading machine
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness without density]
Maximum speed 10 seconds per piece (manual operation)
36. Finscan Nova (Boardmaster Nova)
Microtec Innovating Wood Oy (Microtec Espoo), Klovinpellontie 1-3, FI-02180 Espoo, Finland
Camera scanning (visual and near infrared) [knots, slope of grain, and other visual features]. Mirrors are used for edge scanning.
Maximum speed 200 pieces/minute
37. Finscan HD (Boardmaster HD)
Microtec Innovating Wood Oy (Microtec Espoo), Klovinpellontie 1-3, FI-02180 Espoo, Finland
Camera scanning (visual) [knots, slope of grain, and other visual features]. All four sides are scanned directly.
Maximum speed 130 pieces/minute
M. Manfred Hudel, 601 rue de Calonne, 62350 Saint Floris, France
Mechanical bending type machine (minor axis) [mechanical stiffness]
Semi automatic operation with special instructions for multiple measurements depending on length
39. RS Strength Grader Density
RemaSawco AB, Snickaregatan 40, 582 26 Linköping, Sweden
Laser tracheid effect type machine [slope of grain] with [density]
Maximum feed speed 65 m/min
40. Goldeneye 901
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
Laser tracheid effect type machine [slope of grain]
Maximum feed speed 160 pieces/min
41. Goldeneye 902
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
Laser tracheid effect type machine [slope of grain] combined with [density] from x-ray
Maximum feed speed 160 pieces/min
42. Goldeneye 906
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
Laser tracheid effect type machine [slope of grain] combined with
Acoustic type machine (longitudinal resonance) [dynamic stiffness] (a Viscan) with [density] from x-ray
Maximum feed speed 160 pieces/min
43. Denscan
MiCROTEC s.r.l. – GmbH, Via Julius Durst 98, 39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italy
X-ray measurement of [density] like a Viscan Plus without resonance measurement.
Maximum feed speed 180 pieces/min
44. Finnos Board Scanner
Finnos Oy, Tukkikatu 5, FI-53900 Lappeenranta, Finland
Camera scanning (visual) [knots and other visual features], with mirrors for edge scanning.
Maximum feed speed 130 pieces/min
Some of these machines have many available settings – covering different species, different growth regions and different grade combinations. Some have only a few settings. Some machines are no longer manufactured.
There are other types of grading machines around the world, some in use in Europe for output control grading (which, unlike machine control, does not require all machines of the same type, to operate with identical performance).
Visual strength grading is done differently – although the underlying principle and standardisation framework is the same under the European system. Machines can be used to do visual strength grading – in which case this is still visual grading and not machine grading. There is an increasingly blurred line though – as machines can be used to measure “machine grading” type parameters (such as density) to combine with visual grading.
Version history:
Update 23/1/2017: Thanks to Martin Bacher for letting us know about machine #13. This missing machine is now added.
Update 31/1/2017: Some more corrections for machine #13 with thanks to Martin Bacher
Update 15/10/2017: Added machines 33 and 34 (approved at the TG1 meeting 10/11 Oct 2017)
Update 25 & 28/11/2017: Corrected the feed speeds for machines 33 and 34
Update 26/11/2017: Added the feed speed for the HSV version of Viscan Compact (approved at the TG1 meeting 10/11 Oct 2017)
Update 5/4/2018: Added machine 35 (approved at the TG1 meeting 4/5 Apr 2018)
Update 8/11/2018: Corrected the name of Cook-Bolinders (which is currently wrong in the ITTs), and updated the manufacturer address, and corrected the manufacturer for the Computermatic Micromatic
Update 14/11/2018: Added hyperlinks to manufacturer websites
Update 15/5/2019: Added machine 36 (approved at the TG1 meeting 19/20 March 2019)
Update 22/10/2019: Added machine 37 (approved at the TG1 meeting 1/2 October 2019) and increased the maximum feed speed of the Nova version (machine 36).
Update 1/11/2019: Corrected the information about the Boardmaster HD
Update 15/11/2019: Updated the machine manufacturer information for the Rosgrade
Update 16/11/2020: Added machine 38 (approved following the TG1 meeting May 2020). And corrected the RS Strength grader max speed to the metres per minute version (approved following the TG1 meeting September 2017).
Update 6/5/2021, included the new names for the FinScan machines and EScan variants
Update 26/11/2021 FinScan Oy changed to Microtec Innovating Wood Oy (also known as Microtec Espoo) and address updated. The faster versions of Goldeneye (802 and 806) are added. The new machine (number 39), RS-Strength Grader Density added (approved at the TG1 meeting 16 November 2021).
Update 28/11/2021: Updated the introduction text and added a link to the ALSC website.
Update 29/11/2021: WoodEye manufacturer information updated.
Update 02/05/2024: Three new machines have been approved and added. A higher feed speed has also been approved for the Goldeneye 802 and 806
Update 22/12/2024: Two new grading machines have been approved and added (MiCROTEC Denscan and Finnos Board Scanner).
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