IAgrE Forestry Engineering Group (FEG) Symposium 2019

Newton Rigg Newton Rigg College, Penrith, United Kingdom

IIAgrE Forestry Engineering Group (FEG) Symposium 2019 "New developments in timber extraction" 26 September 2019 Newton Rigg, Penrith The Institute of Agriculture Engineers (IAgrE) and [...]

WTS seminar – from timber to trees

Seven HIlls Unit 1, 37 Bankhead Crossway South, Sighthill, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The Wood Technology Society of IOM3 presents: From timber to trees - an afternoon seminar on wood products in the round 3pm until 5pm, Wednesday [...]

21st Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium

Katholische Akademie Freiburg Wintererstraße 1,, Freiburg, Germany

The 21st International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDTE) of Wood Symposium, will be held in Freiburg, Germany, September 24-27, 2019. This symposium will be hosted [...]


University of Minho Campus de Azurém, Guimarães, Portugal

The 2019 SHATiS International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures will take place in Guimarães, Portugal. Topics are: Historical timber structures Codes and [...]

WoodMusICK2019 (postponed)

St Cecilia’s Hall University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

THE WOODMUSICK2019 CONFERENCE IS POSTPONED. We would like to thank everyone for their interest and submissions to date, and we will be in touch again [...]

WSE YRF online seminar


WSE-YRF are proud to present the first of several YRF seminars directed toward young researchers within the wood technology sector in Northern Europe! Goran Turk, [...]