Edit 6 August 2024:
Please use the TreeAlert online tree health reporting tool for reporting stem cracks in conifers.
Please use the form below to report instances of cracks/shakes/splits, and similar defects, in timber grown in the UK and Ireland). For this reporting form we are interested in cracks/shakes/splits that occurred before the timber is dried (ie were present in the living tree, even if not visible).
Your descriptions and location reporting will be used to research this issue. We aim to better understand its causes in order to reduce its effect in future. This information will not be used to compare companies, or for other commercially sensitive purposes – it is to address some basic research questions that will be of benefit to the whole industry. Please do not submit any information you are not happy that we use for this research. We collect your email address in case we need to ask you for more information, but not for any other purpose. Photos and other files you submit will not be published or further distributed without your permission (we will contact you to ask).
This survey is the first stage of research, to provide guidance into more specific work looking at the frequency of degrade events, the types, causes and consequences of the degrade, and measures to detect, avoid and reduce the degrade.