Research students

Click or tap people’s names to see their university web-pages.

Leslie Abbott: In her doctoral studies, Leslie is investigating ethical metadata for queer and community archives.

Aleksander Bielinski: In his Skills Development Scotland/ESRC-funded doctoral study, Alex is investigating the use of machine learning and natural language processing to enhance labour market intelligence.

Maria Cecil: In her Skills Development Scotland/ESRC funded doctoral research, Maria is exploring gendered information landscapes and their impact on routes into, and through, apprenticeships.

Drew Feeney: Drew’s doctoral studies centre on developing user-led approaches to supporting digital literacies, with a focus on older adults and the digital challenges they face. Drew is examining these challenges from both systematic and practical perspectives, to develop new methodological processes to support ongoing digital literacy formation in this key section of our population.

Thokozani Kachale: In his doctoral study, Thoko is adopting an organisational evolutionary approach to investigate the interactions of information systems and organisational strategies, using a range of methods of data collection.

Lijuan Luo: In her doctoral study, Lijuan is adopting activity theory to address a knowledge gap by providing a new analysis of the integration of international and intercultural dimensions into academics’ experiences of internationalisation at home (IaH) in the Computing and Engineering discipline.

John Marshall: John’s Skills Development Scotland/ESRC-funded doctoral research is concerned with work-based learning environments for fostering industry-relevant skills and optimal economic performance. • @JohnMarTweets

Marina Milosheva: In her Skills Development Scotland/ESRC-funded doctoral study, Marina is developing theoretical insight on the enhancement of career information literacy and career decision-making skills of young people.

Collins Ovie: His doctoral studies focus on the privacy and security risks faced by employees when working from home. He is investigating employers’ and employees’ attitudes to privacy and security issues, through a digital literacy lens.

Rhonda Rathburn: In her SGSAH ARCS funded doctoral research, based at the University of Glasgow and in collaboration with Edinburgh Napier University and the National Library of Scotland, Rhonda is exploring how to engage with, and represent, excluded and non-participant communities in the evaluation and assessment of library services in Scotland.

Katherine Stephen: Katherine’s Skills Development Scotland/ESRC-funded doctoral research centres on metaskills development in the workplace, tacit knowledge, experiential learning across disciplines and industries, and information literacy as a capacity to work within a dynamic, socio-technological process.

Natalie Wangler: Natalie is working on a doctoral study on the links between levels of trust in digitisation and democratic thinking.

Marianne Wilson: In her Skills Development Scotland/ESRC-funded doctoral research Marianne is exploring the ethical and effective application of artificial intelligence dialogue systems to support the delivery of careers guidance in Scotland. • @marianne_clare