The awards for the Post-Graduate Research Student Best Paper Competition 2020-21 took place today. The prize was established in SEBE in 2018-19 to acknowledge and celebrate the success of our PGR community, in particular its protagonists, the research students. The competition aims to encourage publication and promote research culture.
On this occasion, the competition was run jointly by the School of Computing and School of Engineering & the Built Environment.
Research students were asked to submit one paper which had been accepted in a peer-reviewed journal or conference proceeding during the period 1st June 2020 – 31st December 2021. A total of 9 papers (5 from SoC and 4 from SEBE) were submitted and evaluated on the basis of originality, significance, rigour and presentation.
The papers were assessed by a panel including the School Heads of Research, the Research Degree Leads, and the Deputy Research Degree Leads. The scores of the papers ranged from 4.8 to 7.0 out of 10.
Many congratulations to the winners who are:
- 1st prize (£250): Kal Uheida, SEBE, “Determining equivalent-sectional shear modulus in torsion tests for laminated glass beams using photogrammetry method”, Composite Structures
- 2nd prize (£150): Simon Davies, SoC, “NapierOne: A modern mixed file data set alternative to Govdocs1”, Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation
- 3rd prize (£100): Richard Wallace, SEBE, “Utility-scale subsurface hydrogen storage: UK perspectives and technology”, International journal of hydrogen energy
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