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We are delighted to invite you to Dr. Carol Marsh’s presentation ‘The Future of Electronics’, on Tuesday 29th March, 12-1pm, in the Glassroom, at Merchiston Campus.
About the talk: The Future of Electronics
Whether you know it or not, you use electronics everyday of your life and without electronics the world would be a different place, but what is electronics and what’s the future for electronics? In this presentation, Dr Carol Marsh, will give a brief history of electronics, what she thinks life will be like in 2050 and the challenges facing electronics to meet future demands.
Dr. Carol Marsh has worked in the field of electronics for over 35 years. She is a Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor at Edinburgh Napier University (ENU), Deputy Head of Electronics Engineering at Leonardo, and Chair of IET. Carol graduated with an HND in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from ENU in 1985 and was awarded a degree in Doctor of Engineering in System Level Integration in 2011. Carol was awarded an OBE for Diversity and Inclusion in Electronic Engineering in 2020.

The event was a success. We thank Dr. Carol Marsh and everyone who attended, both in-person and online.

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