URDC Rep 2019-2021: Larissa Engelmann

Hello everyone, my name is Larissa Engelmann, and I am a 3rd year PhD student in the School of Applied Sciences. I am also one of the University Research Degrees Committee (URDC) representatives, working closely with the School postgraduate research representatives and sharing their and your views with the Research degrees committee of the University.

My Project

My project assesses the role and value of learning in Police Scotland from a learning organization point of view. I’ve conducted in-person and online interviews and focus groups with police officers, policing students at Napier and partner agencies and constructed and circulated an online survey across Police Scotland. I am now in the painstaking process of figuring out how to summarize my data into a 80,000 word thesis. It’s not the easiest part but nice to see everything slowly coming together.

Other roles

I am also the postgraduate research student coordinator for the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) building a policing research student community across Scotland. It’s great to be able to meet students from different research areas but also to have a community specifically looking at my own area of research and I would always recommend to new students to get in touch with other research students in their area.

I am also an associate lecturer at Napier teaching on Sociology, Criminology, Research methods and Policing modules as well as supervising honours project students. Online teaching has been a challenge but also taught me a lot of new skills to engage students. But let’s be honest both for teaching and my research and own sanity I can’t wait to go back to the offices and catch up with people in person and meeting new research students.

The Research Community

I love building our community and supporting students across the University with their research and student journey. We have some fantastic postgraduate research students across the Uni and getting to know them and working together has been invaluable to my own project and developing as a person and a researcher. If you ever feel that you are alone in this journey, get in touch with one of us and we will tell you that we have probably felt the same at some point during our PhD. Hearing other students experiences at different stages and the different projects that they are doing really helps to get perspective and know who to ask when you face any problems down the line.

If you ever have any questions about postgraduate research, teaching, policing, criminology or (online) research methods please get in touch. I’m always happy to have a chat and share experiences. Building networks with other research students is really important during this journey and we are always here to help you with this. I would not be where I am without the great postgraduate research students I have met along the way.

My contact details if you want to get in touch:

Email –  larissa.engelmann@napier.ac.uk

Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/larissa-engelmann-9b755464/

Twitter – https://twitter.com/Larissa_engelm


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  1. URDC Rep 2021-2022: Amy King - Edinburgh Napier Postgraduate Research Community

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